Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Houston, we have a heartbeat!

A nice strong one! YAY!
However, it took what felt like an hour (but I am sure was only a minute) to find it! The little bugger is hiding waaaaay over on the right side of my uterus and behind the placenta - or so we think since it was so difficult to find.
I was pretty nervous to begin with - you know, it is so reassuring to know that there is actually a baby in there, but the longer it took the more upset I got and by the time she actually found the heartbeat I was in total tears!
Everything else seems good. I have lost a total of 3 pounds, but I am pretty sure that will be re-gained quickly enough now that I have my appetite back. Actually I feel like I have the appetite of a sumo wrestler right now!
And, not to curse myself, I have not thrown up in a whole week!!! I am still not feeling 100%, but no actually puking - WOOHOO! And yesterday, a holiday for our company, I did not nap with Ryan! Honestly! I cleaned and showered instead! It was my personal victory for the day!


Anonymous said...

Yay! I am so glad the lil babe is doing a-okay. I remember holding my breath while they searched for Gage's heartbeat. Its always nerve racking!
I am so glad that the morning sickness will soon be behind you. That always makes pregnancy so much more tolerable!

Mrs. Flinger said...

YEY! Congrats!!! Always good to hear the thing growing and making you fall in love with it more and more every day (minus the puking). :-)