Tuesday, November 08, 2005

The last time I was this scatterbrained I was pregnant...

Nope - not an announcement, although I am on CD 21 of our first TTC cycle so stay tuned....
Anyway, I apparently lost my mind this morning. I had to return home twice before getting to work. First I forgot Ryan's sitter bag. Normally this isn't a problem but he is not feeling well right now and his bag contained a pacifier, tylenol (which I am sure the sitter has) and his thermometer. Now this brings up an interesting question - what temprature taking method do you use with your kids? I am of the rectal school (eeeeeew how would you like to have to list that as your alma mater??!?!). I have found that it is the most accurate method and since he is teetering on fever it is the difference between medicating or not so accuracy is important to me. Also, I tried to use the ear thermometer on him last night and it said 89.5 - clearly his ear is still to small for it.
After I went home and got the bag to the sitter's house I headed to work and realized that I had left my glasses at home. Normally I wear contacts, but my eyes were itchy and dry this morning so I opted for my glasses (think Tina Fey glasses) but forgot them! I would have made it to work fine, but would have had a fierce headache by noon!
I truly have no idea what the cause of my scatter brain-ness is, but the last time I experienced lapses in memory like this I WAS pregnant so maybe.....
Speaking of TTC - yeah, I mentioned it earlier - I am starting to think that maybe now would not be the best time to get pregnant. Turns out Rob will most likely be switching restaurants and going to the exciting new one that is opening up in Rochester. Problem is that he would be out of town training for 12 weeks and then setting up and opening a new store (think about the hours on that!). The store is set to open in September. So if I get pregnant in the next few months I will be either very pregnant, giving birth, or adapting to a toddler and a newborn right at the time of the opening!!! Good Grief!!!
Rob says we shouldn't let work dictate our family, but he isn't the one that would have to be home ALL day ALONE with a baby on his breast and one wrapped around his leg clammoring for attention right?!?!? Any advice out there? Should we keep trying or put it on hold?
Incidently, I wil NOT be trying to get pregnant during my March cycle -- seriously my child would be due December 24th! I would feel awful giving a child that unfortunate a birthday!


Anonymous said...

You seriously just need to do what is best for your family. If you think that you couldn't handle it, then you should wait. If you think you can, then keep on BD'ing! You'd be amazed at what you can do if you have to!

By the way...my oldest sister's birthday is December 24th. It really isn't as bad as you might think (easy for me to say, my birthday is in April when NOTHING else is going on)! True, she didn't have many birthday parties with friends when she was young, but now she's guaranteed that she'll have lots of family around every year for her special day! We have her birthday, clean up the dishes, and then start Christmas! ;-)

imstacy said...

I had to laugh at the memory problems during pregnancy, I was the same way. Before I found out I was pregnant with Aidan I pulled in a parking stall and cut it to close to the car next to me and scratched it - eeek! Then I went home and turned on the dryer with no clothes in it! I was always doing things like that while I was pregnant.

It's hard making a decision to have a baby when going through big changes as a family. I had Aidan while Nick was working on his Master's and it was a lot of work. I wouldn't change a thing, but it was hard.

Poor Ian, his birthday is the week before Christmas and I am already beating myself up at how much less attention will be focused on his b-day. :(

Mama C-ta said...

Oh good luck. My mom is born on 12/25 and she makes it known every year how bad it sucks.

What CD did you O? Curious, I want to keep track w/you :) In my life if I just now decided I shouldn't get pregnant, I would. It sounds like you are though w/the placenta brain :) And isn't dry/itchy eyes/no longer able to wear contacts a symptom of pregnancy too? Can't wait for the updates!

I agree you shouldn't put your family on hold b/c of a job but see your point how it will make everything harder for you. Tough one...well maybe you already are pregnant and won't have to worry about deciding :)