Monday, August 29, 2005

Not an ear infection....

So $20 later and it turns out that it must be the rather large cut Ryan has inside his mouth (from face planting on the Leap Frog music table) that is causing him such discomfort at night. Who knew?!?! Anyway we are to give him Orajel and motrin before bed and hope that keeps him asleep. I just know all this night waking, while legitimate, is going to mess with the sleep training we have worked so hard on....
In non-sleep related news:
Ryan took his first steps this weekend!!!!
He has been standing unsupported for a few days and Saturday afternoon he just put on foot in from of the other and moved! It was amazing!!! Of course, that is all he wants to do now and he is falling quite a bit - like he needed more falls in his life....
Now I am home, we are in the den/attic and Ryan just toddled over to me with a pacifier in his mouth. A pacifier I haven't seen since March. Very strange. He looks pretty happy to have it (normally he only take one at bed time). I wonder what will happen if I take it away.....
Hmmmm, that was painless! Good to know that my kid is not hooked on the plastic like his mother was so many years ago....
Seriously, I had such a bad pacifier habit that my mom says I would hide them all over the house, car, grandparent's, etc. Rather than gently wean me my parents chose to bribe me with a real bed in exchange for giving it up. Note to self - must not do that or Ryan will be whining about it all over the internet in 30 years....


imstacy said...

YAY Ryan!! I love it when they start toddling around. :)

It's good that he's not so attached to the paci. We had one hell of a time trying to get it away from Aidan.

Anonymous said...

WOOHOO Ryan!! I can't believe he already took his first steps! How exciting. :-)

Andrea said...

Exciting and scary! He can now go from the couch to the chair, turn around and go back. Of course if he falls it is face first but so far he just gets up and claps!!! What a coconut!