Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Move over Martha

These are the centerpieces for the wedding! Okay, just the bowl, but I would like to point out thatI MADE the placemat it is sitting on!!!! Oh yeah, Martha should be shaking in her shoes!

We were able to find 24 bags of apples, which as of now is just enough. I filled them in with cranberries - fresh ones! Each bowl needs a half a bag of berries, so let's re-cap how much these suckers ended up costing:

Bowl $2.99 + Apples .90 a bag! + candle $1 + berries .75 (each bag was $1.50) = $5.64

MUCH less than a floral arrangement would have been right?


Anonymous said...

Your centerpieces turned out great, Andrea. What a cool idea.

Anonymous said...

Very nice idea :)

Anonymous said...

Andrea when is the wedding this weekend 15th??

Highlights from two years of blogging. said...

great! OK, that's my xmas centrepiece! Thanks :-) xxx