Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2008 in pictures

A photo review of the last 12 months....

Joseph Robert was born at 6:24am on January 11th. After only 2 hours of labor (woohoo!)

It was cold. We had a new baby. We didn't leave the house much... Oh and Rachel took her first steps!

Easter - it was so cold that day


Joey was baptized!


Warm weather!


Rhode Island for Rob's GREAT-Grandma's 100th birthday celebration!


Ryan went to Vacation Bible School for the first year


Joey and I went to Denver for a wedding!


Ryan started school




We are so thankful for our family


No words necessary!
It was hard to pick just one picture from each month since many months contained multiple exciting events! At any rate, it was interesting to watch the kids get bigger as the post got longer and longer! Happy new year to everyone!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

YEAR in review and new blog content!

So I haven't posted since July!!! Sorry! We've been busy, but here is the Cliff Note version of the second half of 2008
August: lots of fun summer activities!
September: Ryan started school, we went to Myrtle Beach, and our nanny quit!
October: Ryan turned 4, Rachel no longer qualified for speech, Joey was 9 months old!, our new nanny started
November: Rachel finished music class (which she loved), we had a lovely Thanksgiving
December: Ryan's first holiday concert, first snow day and the biggest Christmas to date!
I'll post a photo review of 2008 later, but I am changing my blog!!!
I have decided that in 2009 I am not making resolutions, just goals (yes I know, semantics!). Anyway, I will be using my log to track my goals for the year so here they are....
1. Try a new (hopefully family friendly) recipe each week
I will post the recipe, source (where possible) and review on the blog each week. This ensures at least 52 entries right?
2. The standard weight loss
Honestly I don't want to whine about it but I will keep my weight loss ticker on here for my own records
3. Organize my house
Top to bottom, every room.... This comes from the fact that we had a fleeting chance to buy a new house but, in addition to the market sucking for us to sell ours, we couldn't even fathom cleaning it all out! I'll be starting with the attic this weekend and need to have the attic and basement done by the next weepeats sale (which I think is April)

So those are the 3 biggies that I will be blogging about. Except gratuitous kid pictures as well (they are so darn cute!). I guess that is about it for now!!!